Notes for localizing Find Any File =================================== Important: Please always use the latest version, which may be a beta, to make sure you don't work on outdated texts. It might also be smart to contact Thomas ( before starting to translate, as he might have more current information for you. Doing the translation ====================== To translate the Localizable.strings files, do this: Right click on the "Find Any File" app and choose "Show Package Contents" from the menu. You will then look inside the App's bundle, where you'll see a "Contents" folder. Inside that, open the "Resources" folder. Now you'll see a lot of folders ending in .lproj - each of these contain a Localizable.strings file with the translation from English to one other language. To create your own translation, you'd simply duplicate the "en.lproj" folder and rename it, using the correct country code. Those are listed here: (Note: You need to use the codes from the "ISO 639-1 Code" column!) Now open the Localizable.strings file of the newly created lproj folder in a plain text editor (e.g. BBEdit) and start translating the texts. Note that the texts use a few special character combinations: \r means a newline. Leave them as is. \? means a simple question mark. You can turn it into "?" or leave it as "\?". Also, sometimes you'll see placeholders such as %@, ^0 or $1 - those will be replaced by Find Any File with variable text, e.g. a number or a file name. The idea is that they are numbered so that you could even rearrange the sentence as needed. Also note that some texts start or end with a blank - make sure you keep those intact. Testing the localized app ========================== If you have edited the .strings file inside the application, you can see the changes immediately after re-launching FAF. To review all dialogs, even the ones that appear only under rare circumstances and those only seen by App Store users, set the "LocalizationTestMode" preference to YES. To do that, launch and enter this command: defaults write org.tempel.findanyfile LocalizationTestMode -bool YES To reset, use NO instead of YES Also, to see the Sparkle update dialogs (which have to be localized separately), do this: - Get my program Prefs Editor ( and open it. - In Prefs Editor, open the preferences file ("org.tempel.findanyfile.plist"). - Select all rows whose name starts with "SU" and delete them. (there's no need to Save, the changes are immediate). - Launch FAF twice - the second time you'll see the dialog asking you if you like to enable automatic updates. To see the actual update notification, edit the App's Info.plist, setting the CFBundleVersion to a lower value, e.g. "1". Then check for updates.